Muhammad Zaki
4 min readJan 6, 2020

Ash x Noi – è unofficial wedding gallery (part 2)

In all seriousness, the hadang takes way too long. It drags the whole event. Siapa nie time keeper? Haha

Kesian pengantin lelaki. Lama die kene rempuh gantry2 ERP. Lol
Fuyooo! Nie silat ilmu ular sendok ke bang?

I know Ashaari’s paternal side is huge but I didn’t expect Noi side to be equally large! Now I understand why the pelamin is super long. Raya nanti confirm havoc! Haha

Hip hip! Hurray! Hip hip! Hurray!

From us jaderz, selamat pengatin baru! May Allah bless this marriage till jannah. Insya’allah! Now on to the unglamorous photos! Haha

‘Kecik dia macam gini’ haha
Dayang2 sampai pancit. Heh

Okay dah habis, done, finish. Next event please! Nak baca honest review on OK LETS GO – Live show tak?

Missed part 1? Click here

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Muhammad Zaki

Your friendly neighbourhood dude Oh, i update about random stuffs 🙋🏽‍♂️