Muhammad Zaki
3 min readApr 24, 2021

Our charity efforts started way before we created this charity group. As a family, we have been doing our own fundraising to help the needy, identifying units that need help with decluttering, paint work and much more.

We realised that we can only do so much as a family and decided it’s best to formally create a group to give opportunities to others who have the same passion as us.

Established in March 2021, the Muhammadan Reality Foundation (TMRFoundation) has successfully piloted 2 major projects: Suspended groceries initiatives & 30 Days to Ramadan with the latter having the most volunteers to date.

Ehhh too formal already! Not Mr.photographer150 style of writing. Heh! Anyway here are some photos that was taken.

Suspended Groceries Initiatives (Ongoing)

30 Days to Ramadan (Completed)

Initially the agreement is to help 20 families but with help from families and friends who shared around our IG posts, we managed to help 50 families instead. Alhamdullilah!

We are truly thankful to all the donors and volunteers who came to help. Despite the scorching weather, our volunteers pushed on to deliver the groceries to the beneficiaries.

Oh yah, follow TMRFoundation on Instagram! We have an upcoming homeaid project and will share the updates there. Till next time!

Muhammad Zaki

Your friendly neighbourhood dude Oh, i update about random stuffs 🙋🏽‍♂️